Collected Papers of Albert Einstein
This resource provides free access to the first 15 of 16 volumes and English translation supplements to much of the writings (letters, articles, and books) of Dr. Albert Einstein, and many of the letters written to Einstein in cases where permission could be obtained. This covers the
years from his birth through May of 1927. Volume 16 (which covers June 1927 to May 1929) had been published in print in June of 2021, but that volume is not included in this online resource yet. Einstein was a prolific letter writer, and his archive of correspondence is substantial. Princeton
University Press expects the whole collection to eventually encompass about 30 volumes, so this website covers roughly half of the material that they will eventually publish. This resource will help people understand Einstein's thought processes and see what kind of life he lead before coming
to the United States.
Publication date: 01 January 2022
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