Education Source Ultimate
Education Source Ultimate is one of many databases offered by EBSCO. It offers access to hundreds of videos and thousands of journals and magazines on education studies, many of them full text, peer reviewed, and/or open access. These different print and media resources address numerous
educational topics, including research methodology, training, assessment, literacy, technology, and ethics, among many others. This database can be viewed in any of 31 different Asian and European languages. It offers both documents and videos, often on point for the query submitted, using
a standard Advanced Search mechanism that is both usable and understandable. Pricing for this resource is determined by various factors, including full-time enrollment (FTE), consortium agreements, other EBSCO databases subscribed to, royalty requirements, and buying groups—all of which
imply considerable variability in subscription price. The licensing agreement for this database, the standard one for all EBSCO resources, is 16 pages long and can be very detailed and technical. As such, it may not be easily understood by subscribers without the assistance of legal and/or
information technology specialists. The quality and quantity of the content in this database are impressive and will certainly prove valuable to many researchers in education studies. Consequently, its primary audience will be colleges and universities, specifically those with education programs.
It will be of only marginal use to others.
Affiliations: Auraria Library, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, USA, Email: thomas.j.beck@ucdenver.edu
Publication date: 01 January 2024
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- Partial Subscribed content
- Free trial content