@article {Dressel:2017:1525-4011:19, title = "Engineering Village", journal = "The Charleston Advisor", parent_itemid = "infobike://annurev/tca", publishercode ="annurev", year = "2017", volume = "19", number = "1", publication date ="2017-07-01T00:00:00", pages = "19-22", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1525-4011", eissn = "1525-4003", url = "https://annurev.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/annurev/tca/2017/00000019/00000001/art00007", doi = "doi:10.5260/chara.19.1.19", author = "Dressel, Willow", abstract = "Engineering Village is a platform of indexing and abstracting databases in engineering and related fields. The platform has an easy to use quick searching interface and robust advanced search features. It is the main platform for Compendex, a database widely considered to be the most comprehensive database for engineering literature. Up to 11 other databases are available on the platform all of which provide complementary coverage to the core database of Compendex. Elsevier continues to provide enhancements to the platform to increase ease of use and discoverability of the engineering literature.", }