@article {Morrison:2017:1525-4011:53, title = "From the Field: Elsevier as an Open Access Publisher", journal = "The Charleston Advisor", parent_itemid = "infobike://annurev/tca", publishercode ="annurev", year = "2017", volume = "18", number = "3", publication date ="2017-01-01T00:00:00", pages = "53-59", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1525-4011", eissn = "1525-4003", url = "https://annurev.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/annurev/tca/2017/00000018/00000003/art00014", doi = "doi:10.5260/chara.18.3.53", author = "Morrison, Heather", abstract = "Highlights of this broad-brush case study of Elseviers Open Access (OA) journals as of 2016: Elsevier offers 511 fully OA journals and 2,149 hybrids. Most fully OA journals do not charge article processing charges (APCs). APCs of fully OA journals average $660 US ($1,731 excluding no-fee journals); hybrid OA averages $2,500. A practice termed author nominal copyright is observed, where copyright is in the name of the author although the author contract is essentially a copyright transfer. The prospects for a full Elsevier flip to OA via APC payments for articles going forward are considered and found to be problematic.", }