Turfgrass Information File
The Turfgrass Information Center operates as a special unit at the Michigan State University Library with its primary responsibility of maintaining the Turfgrass Information File (TGIF), the only database of its kind in the field. This very specialized database is intended for professionals
and practitioners in the field of turfgrass science. Over 300 journals, magazines, reports and proceedings focusing on the growing of or use of turfgrass are indexed with approximately half the records linking to externally available full-text. This product’s uniqueness, however, lies
in the indexing of more unusual materials usually bypassed by traditional science databases including newsletters, obituaries, blueprint documents, interviews, and biographical profiles. Pricing options are reasonable and flexible; academic institutions can choose between a one-time perpetual
access fee or an annual trial access fee. Subscription options are also available for nonacademic organizations and individuals. Although advanced searching can be cumbersome and inconsistent, the broad and unique scope of this resource is essential for any institution offering programs in
turfgrass science or the management of facilities where turfgrass is grown.
Publication date: 01 July 2013
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