The Vogue Archive
The Vogue Archive is a single title database by WGSN and the library version is developed by ProQuest and includes the entire 120-year run of the American Vogue magazine from 1892 to the present. As such there are two versions of the database: the Library version available from ProQuest,
and the Commercial version available from WGSN to individuals and corporates. It is updated monthly with the latest monthly issue and contains over 400,000 full colour digitized images of the American Vogue magazine including the covers, features, fashion portfolios, illustrations and advertisements
in their original context. The database is aimed at students of fashion and visual arts and researchers of modern social history, humanities and gender studies. It also includes limited edition prints and users can login to discussions on relevant topics. Users can do basic keyword searches,
or use the advanced search feature that allows Boolean searching plus several other search options, i.e., search by image details, document type, document feature, etc. Intricate indexing allows quite specific searching by fashion item, person pictured, photographer, illustrator, company/brand,
and date range. Subscription access is available to both individual and institutional subscribers. Only limited access is available to Vogue Magazine subscribers.
Publication date: 01 January 2013
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