@article {Beck:2011:1525-4011:33, title = "Emerging Market Information Service, aka ISI Emerging Markets", journal = "The Charleston Advisor", parent_itemid = "infobike://annurev/tca", publishercode ="annurev", year = "2011", volume = "13", number = "2", publication date ="2011-10-01T00:00:00", pages = "33-36", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1525-4011", eissn = "1525-4003", url = "https://annurev.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/annurev/tca/2011/00000013/00000002/art00010", doi = "doi:10.5260/chara.13.2.33", author = "Beck, Thomas J.", abstract = "Emerging Market Information Service (EMIS) is a good source for business information, economic data, and news from emerging markets around the world. These markets are in countries in Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and Australia. Information is drawn from journals, magazines, and reports published in and about those countries, which are written in multiple languages, including English. The database's search mechanism is easy to understand, and allows the user to search for documents in a variety of ways and from numerous sources. Searches may or may not provide useable and on-point results, depending on the search options used. None of these options allow the user to search any portion of a document other than the title or full content. The user cannot, for instance, search an article abstract, subject heading, author's name, etc. Without such possibilities the search mechanism is often inflexible and restrictive, and off-point results are frequently produced. However, there is a great deal of useful information in this database, and users can find it if they are creative with their search strategies and use the appropriate search options. Lists of results are easy to browse and understand, and documents are generally simple to view, navigate, print, e-mail, and/or export. ISI Emerging Markets, the vendor for this database, has produced a pricing structure for it that is both vague and complex. What information the vendor is willing to disclose on this subject indicates that pricing is based on the number of users, the type of access requested, and whether individuals or institutions are subscribing. The vendor is equally vague about the database's contract provisions, and insists that no specifics about it be described in this review. Needless to say, any potential subscribers are advised to scrutinize the contract for this database carefully before making a commitment. For those institutions studying the political, economic, and business affairs of the above mentioned countries, EMIS may be a valuable acquisition. However, given the uncertainties regarding its cost, it may be more expensive than some, or perhaps many, can afford.", }