@article {Arnold:2011:1525-4011:21, title = "Associates Program Source Plus", journal = "The Charleston Advisor", parent_itemid = "infobike://annurev/tca", publishercode ="annurev", year = "2011", volume = "13", number = "2", publication date ="2011-10-01T00:00:00", pages = "21-24", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "1525-4011", eissn = "1525-4003", url = "https://annurev.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/annurev/tca/2011/00000013/00000002/art00007", doi = "doi:10.5260/chara.13.2.21", author = "Arnold, Jennifer", abstract = "EBSCO's Associates Program Source Plus is an aggregated database designed to meet the unique curricular needs of community colleges, particularly in vocational areas such as graphic design, welding, automotive, electrical technology, counseling, fashion design, criminal justice, and allied health. Significant numbers of journals, magazines, trade publications, and e-books are available full-text in the database, though some are embargoed and others are only available full text in short runs. Basic and advanced search screens provide a variety of search options, and results pages are typically visually clear and simple to both navigate and manipulate. Authentication, licensing, and pricing options are standard for the library marketplace. Overall, Associates Program Source Plus provides high quality resources for the often-underserved vocational programs at two-year institutions in a single convenient location.", }