EBSCO's Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI)
EBSCO's Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI) database provides global access to information on measurement instruments and tools in health, the psychosocial sciences, industrial/organizational behavior and education, and other medically related disciplines. The HaPI database is
highly specialized and contains a variety of resources including, but not limited, to checklists, coding schemes, indexes, interview schedules, projective techniques, questionnaires, rating scales, tests, and vignettes/scenarios. EBSCO's Health and Psychosocial database is an invaluable resource
for researchers looking to locate testing and measurement instruments, especially some of the more obscure ones. HaPI is invaluable in reducing research inefficiencies and streamlining the research process.
Publication date: 01 January 2011
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